How to impregnate wood with your own hands – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

To prevent wood from absorbing moisture, it is extremely important to paint it or treat it with a special impregnation. The second product allows you to reveal the natural texture of the wood, giving it a more noble shade. If you need exactly this effect, prepare the oil according to this recipe: rosin – 35-40%, bee oil – 20-30%. Preparing the oil It is necessary to grind rosin and beeswax. The components are poured into a container and melted in a water bath. It is important to move them around and make sure that the bottom of the second container does not touch the bottom of the first, because everything will burn. Oil is poured into the melted components. may be unrefined flax, or refined sunflower. After cooling, the wax will become flakes, but after a few minutes of heating it will melt back into the oil, you pour in and stir the turpentine because it will begin to give off a strong smell. After a minute, the composition is removed from the water bath and cooled. This impregnation is applied with a rag or bandage. The composition with linseed oil remains liquid, but with sunflower oil it thickens. Moreover, after working with them, the surface looks the same thanks to rosin.

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