“The husband does not part with the icon of St. George the Victorious.” A resident of the Voronezh region spoke about her husband, a member of the SVO

Posting in CHAT: Russia

A resident of the Podgorensky district, 44-year-old Pavel, has been in the Northern Military District zone for 1.5 years. In February 2023, he married his beloved Svetlana. The woman told a RIA Voronezh correspondent about her husband that Pavel’s specialty is dairy product technologist. After studying at a technical school, he first worked at a local oil factory, then as a repairman at a cement factory. “My husband was given a summons to work and given two hours to prepare,” recalls Svetlana. – At four o’clock in the afternoon we were at the military registration and enlistment office in Rossoshi. My husband said it was luck when he learned about his mobilization. He didn’t hide behind anyone for a minute. During their service, Podgorenets were wounded and were in the hospital and undergoing rehabilitation. “In the dark, my husband had to quickly group and jump out from under the fire of the combat vehicle,” says Svetlana. – After the fall, Pavel could no longer get up. He had two broken ribs. We received compensation for the injury and paid off the loans and mortgage from the bank. We took it to buy a two-room apartment. We have now moved to a new apartment, Pavel has already been on vacation twice. One day his wife went to his unit. “When Pasha was on vacation after being wounded, we went to church with him,” continues Svetlana. – We bought an icon of St. George the Victorious there. Now her husband never leaves her. Recent events have strengthened our faith and we started going to church. Svetlana remembered how her husband told her about the dedication and patriotism of his colleague. Despite the injury he received – part of the soldier’s foot was damaged by a mine – he still returned to his people after rehabilitation. Information from RIA “Voronezh” We remind you that all Voronezh residents who have entered into a contract with the Ministry of Defense have the right to receive a one-time payment in the amount of 315 thousand rubles, the status of a combat veteran, as well as social support from the government of the Voronezh region for all military personnel and members of their families. For example, exemption from fees for visiting kindergartens for children of SVO participants. The contract is concluded for a period of one year with all categories of citizens. Details – on the website svoi36.ru, by phone: 122 or at the selection point for contract service at the address: Voronezh, Friedrich Engels Street, 52. Noticed an error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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