“It will only get worse.” Teachers are sounding the alarm about the increase in the number of lessons

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Teachers oppose increasing the duration of lessons Russian teachers opposed the proposal to increase the duration of lessons in schools from 45 to 50 minutes According to the surveyed teachers, 45 minutes is the optimal lesson time, allowing you to effectively learn the material. and not overload children. Former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva previously stated that teachers do not have 45 minutes to check homework and explain new material. However, teachers believe that with proper planning of a lesson, it is possible to complete it in the allotted time of 40-45 minutes,” noted teacher of Russian language and literature Evgenia Makarova, they also emphasize that students will not succeed. withstand classes for more than 45 minutes. without pause This is especially true for junior and middle grades. “Keeping the attention of a class over a long distance will be almost impossible,” says one teacher. In senior classes of lyceums and gymnasiums, if necessary, it is allowed to organize lessons. in pairs, as in universities: two lessons in one subject in a row with a change.

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