“The holidays give everyone the opportunity to smoke.” Forecasters have dramatically changed the forecast for the May holidays

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The holiday weekend will bring weather surprises. Forecasters warn of sudden weather changes in various regions of the country, and the next holiday is expected in the Urals, which has already begun in the second half of the week. By the weekend, temperatures will rise to a record 30-35 degrees, which corresponds to summer levels. However, the next day the temperature will drop sharply by 7 degrees, and within a week it will drop below +10, with frost possible in some places. In St. Petersburg and other cities of the North-West, precipitation in the form of hail and rain. The weather is expected to return to wintry conditions over the weekend. In the central part of Russia, sharp changes in atmospheric pressure and heavy rains are expected, which will pour out more than half of the monthly rainfall for May.

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