A simple and proven way to quickly get seedlings from any tree.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Summer residents and gardeners often want to propagate an existing fruit tree that has proven itself well, but do not have the skills to perform grafting. In fact, you can get new seedlings from a mother apple, pear, peach or any other tree using a simpler method. The proposed method always works 100%, and it is very simple, so anyone can repeat it. You can form seedlings in this way in the spring and even in the summer. What you will need: a sharp knife; disposable plastic cup; electrical insulating tape The process of forming a seedling On the mother tree, you need to select the last one. an annual branch that does not yet have hard bark. Using a clean, sharp knife, the bark is removed along with the green cambium down to white wood. It is necessary to remove the ring to the width of 2 fingers. Next, you need to cut the plastic cup along one side. A hole is cut in its bottom with the same diameter as the cross-section of the selected branch for the ring of removed bark. The cut on the wall must be continued to this hole. Then the prepared cup is placed on the side of the branch so that the bare part without bark is inside. Now the cup needs to be secured with electrical tape or electrical tape, and then usually covered with soil taken from under the trunk of the same trunk. . tree It is compacted and filled with water. In subsequent weeks, the soil in the cup must be watered as it dries. In general, the care needed is the same as for a houseplant in a pot. Within 1-2 months, which depends on the type of tree, full-fledged roots will grow on the branch, which are clearly visible through transparent glass. When the roots appear, the branch under the glass is cut off, removed and the seedling can be planted separately, its survival rate is excellent, since the roots are not damaged, as is usually the case with seedlings when dug up.

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