More than four hundred garages were demolished in Taganrog in 2023 – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

During perestroika and in the 1990s, garages began to appear throughout the city. Somewhere as part of garage cooperatives, and somewhere locally. Back then it was allowed and was not considered a squat. By the 2010s, it became clear that this approach was damaging the appearance of cities. In 2016, the “Night of Long Buckets” took place in Moscow: more than 100 unauthorized buildings were demolished. Demolition continued and the capital was completely freed from garages in courtyards. Cities, including ours, began to adopt the experience, although not so radically. In 2022, demolitions in the Military Town caused outrage even in the City Duma. Protests stopped the demolition, but 322 properties were demolished anyway. In 2023, work on the demolition of illegal buildings continued. 403 garages and 81 kiosks were demolished. Only 30 of them had to be demolished at the expense of the city: the rest had owners. A big problem with demolition is the debris left behind by workers. And instead of garages and instead of kiosks. In January-February alone, 132 garages were demolished: 16 on S. Shilo Street, 3 on P. Togliatti Street, 18 on Shevchenko Street, 29 on Morozova Street, as well as on Smirnovsky and Chekhov Streets. , the city has a “garage amnesty” – the right of garage owners within the GSK to retain storage of their cars: In 2021, changes were made to the Land Code, which were supplemented by a new chapter allowing citizens who had garages before the entry into force of the Urban Development Plan, namely, before December 30, 2004, register the land plot on which the permanent garage is located and receive the land plot free of charge. The so-called “garage amnesty”. What countries are we talking about? First, about those garages that are located on a plot of land previously provided by a garage-building cooperative, a garage society. That is, we are talking about plots that 30 or more years ago were issued by local governments for the creation of garage cooperatives. There are documents confirming the right to this land. In 2023, 566 people contacted the administration about this. Read us in the telegram: S. Klunny Previously reported: The road section near Taganrog will be increased to four roads 3946 News about Bloknot-Taganrog

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