It was decided to increase pensions by 30% for everyone: both working and non-working

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Pensioners were told about a way to increase their pensions by tens of percent. Pensioners in Russia can increase their pensions by delaying retirement. For each year of such a deferment, bonus coefficients will accumulate, which will increase both the fixed payment and the amount of pension points. The longer the pensioner delays retirement, the higher the increase will be. For example: For a year of delay, the fixed payment will increase by 5.6%. For a two-year delay – by 12%. For a four-year delay – by 27%. Even working pensioners can receive an increase. If a pensioner gets a well-paid job and can afford to temporarily refuse to pay a pension (at least for one year), then as a result special coefficients will be added to his pension, and the payment will become significantly higher. Note that delaying retirement is a beneficial way to increase your pension. Retirees are encouraged to consider taking advantage of this opportunity to ensure a more comfortable retirement.

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