Experience and age provide opportunities: which pensioner will receive 10 – 35 thousand rubles

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Russian pensioners will receive increased payments. In the near future, Russian pensioners will receive increased payments. The size of the increase will depend on age and length of service. After recent indexation, the fixed pension payment that all Russian pensioners receive has increased to 8 thousand rubles. However, some categories of citizens are entitled to higher payments: for example, pensioners who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years will receive a fixed payment of 12 thousand rubles. At the same time, the entire insurance period for women must be at least 20 years, and for men – at least 25 years. Northern pensioners who support close relatives will receive even more. For one dependent, the payment will be 15 thousand rubles, for two – 20 thousand rubles, for three – 24 thousand rubles. The maximum fixed payment will be received by pensioners who have northern experience and have reached the age of 80 or have a disability of the first group. They will pay 20 thousand rubles. If you have dependents, the amount will increase: with one – up to 28 thousand rubles, with two – up to 35 thousand rubles.

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