The decree has already been signed. From March 28, all owners of a vehicle or place of residence will have a surprise

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Changes in the rules for confiscation of property of owners of cars and apartments From March 28, a new rule comes into force in Russia protecting owners of apartments and cars from confiscation in the event of accumulation of debts. In accordance with current legislation, property, including apartments and cars, can be confiscated from debtors to pay off debts. However, the Supreme Court recently made a precedent-setting decision excluding cars for large families from this list. The case concerned a bankrupt woman who owned a car. The courts initially refused to allow her to retain ownership of the car, since it is usually not subject to protection from confiscation, but the Supreme Court sided with the woman, finding that: “Even bankrupts have the right to retain property worth more than 10 thousand rubles. In large families, a car is an indispensable means of transportation, necessary for visiting schools and medical institutions. For this reason, the car was excluded from the list of property put up for sale. This decision applies to all Russians who find themselves in a similar situation.

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