8% of Syktyvkar residents will extend the New Year holidays with holidays and leisure • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

8% of Syktyvkar residents plan to extend the New Year holidays with holidays and leisure. One in ten workers will be annoyed by their colleagues’ decision to take time off at the end of December. Busy representatives of the economically active population of Syktyvkar took part in a survey of the service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob. 8% of Syktyvkar residents plan to extend the January holidays: 5% will go on vacation at the end of December, another 3% – on the first working days of the new year. Men are more likely to extend their vacation than women (10% and 7% respectively). Residents under 34 are more likely to have such plans than older residents (12%). The majority of work teams are calmly neutral towards those who plan to go on vacation in the last days of the outgoing year (58%). Almost one in four approves of their decision (23%). One in ten people expressed their negative attitude towards the idea of ​​their colleagues going on holiday at the end of the year. Most often, engineers and production workers, accountants, tax collectors, salespeople, cashiers and transport workers do not approve of the December holidays from their colleagues.

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