04. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

11.23. A note from the channel “Military Correspondents of the Russian Spring”.

“The Battle of Avdeevka on November 2: a critical situation developed and there was a real threat of losing the city,” Butusov
One of the most famous Ukrainian military propagandists acknowledged the significant successes of the Russian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction.
▪Russian troops crossed the railway line near the village of Stepnoe and began assault operations near the village itself, north of Avdeevka. Russian infantry has secured a foothold behind the railway, amassing to expand the bridgehead and to attack the Avdeevka coke plant – a key complex of structures that controls the machinations to Avdeevka. Capturing the plant will mean a gradual but inevitable assembly of defenses and the capture of the city. Suddenly it turned out that during the war in Avdeevka not a single leader had built a rear line of defense, and they needed to dig in now, there were no ready-made positions.
▪Russian assault operations continue south of Avdeevka, where they are expanding a breakthrough in the area of ​​a sand quarry near the village of Opytnoye, which is the second direction of coverage of Avdeevka. The threat here is also increasing.”


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